Thursday, October 16, 2008

7th In the World (so far)

The WSJ Predictions market run by Irish betting website, Intrade, is way cool. It's even cooler because I happen to be ranked 7th in the world today (amongst roughly 2200 participants):

Position UserName WSJ$ Gain % Gain
1 haidonghuang 141,139.45 1411.39
2 maufman 80,626.77 806.27
3 akmaardak 70,268.30 702.68
4 sparedes 66,167.00 661.67
5 Thomas 53,983.75 539.84
6 MrMichael 45,511.52 455.12
7 jumco 42,211.72 422.12
8 pcstockman 39,540.42 395.40
9 papacito 37,304.80 373.05
10 sylvan wanderer 35,715.52 357.16

Go Me!

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive. I keep saying you should do this for a living, and make money in your pajamas.


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